Now that spring has sprung, and while many are giving their homes a thorough cleaning, it seems a good time to devote some space the latest health news headlines concerning the health of you and your family. As we debut our April Health New Headlines, we hope to be able to offer further glimpses into what is going on in the world of health and wellness in succeeding months, as well.
4 in 10 U.S. Adults Under 60 Carry HPV: Cancer-Causing HPV Virus Affects 25 Percent of U.S. Men – Nearly half of American men and women under 60 are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV), putting them at risk for certain cancers, federal health officials reported Thursday.
More than 45% of men were infected with genital HPV in 2013-2014, while 25% were infected with high-risk genital HPV. At the same time, about 40% of women carried genital HPV, while almost 20% had high-risk genital HPV, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Virus linked to celiac disease & gluten intolerance: Study suggests harmless viruses may set stage for immune system response to the grain protein gluten – A new study has found that a certain type of virus could trigger a person’s immune system to overreact to gluten, leading to celiac disease. The findings, published Thursday in Science, provide an explanation for why certain people develop celiac disease.
“This is the first study to show that a virus can change the way our diet is seen by the immune system,” Dr. Bana Jabri of the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center and senior author of the study, told NBC News. The virus turns off the body’s “peacekeeper” response to gluten, tricking the immune system into thinking gluten is a harmful invader that needs to be attacked.
U.S. Blood Supply Safe from Zika Virus: Officials detail steps being taken to protect people who need transfusions – U.S. blood banks are confident they have the tools to protect America’s blood supply from possible new Zika virus outbreaks during the upcoming mosquito season.
Sophisticated genetic tests and blood processing procedures make it highly unlikely that anyone will contract Zika from donated blood, according to a series of articles in a special issue of the journal Transfusion.
5 reasons your diet isn’t working: 1. Counting calories, but not eating real food; 2. Starting the day with carbohydrates; 3. Not getting enough sleep; 4. Eating when not hungry; 5. Hanging with the wrong crowd.
Stay tuned for more important snapshots of such timely information and health headlines in future posts, when it’s available and has value to our readers.