According to the American Cancer Society, more than 14 million people will be diagnosed with cancer worldwide this year. Of these, more than 8 million will die from this dreaded disease. By the year 2030, nearly 22 million will be diagnosed, resulting in some 13 million deaths. They do caution however that, due to shifting demographics and improved data gathering, there may be many more of both. Regardless, these numbers are stunning, and unacceptable, and alternative cancer treatments must be found.
The good news is, alternatives to toxic treatments like radiation and chemotherapy already exist!
Avoid Toxic Treatments for a Toxic Disease
In his book, 31-Day Home Cancer Cure, layman Ty Bollinger reveals the results of his research into alternative cancer treatments; steps that can be taken to avoid the pain and damage done to the body by chemo and radiation. It’s a 4-step plan that you can implement on your own, with the real hope that you can avoid conventional cancer treatments.
Bollinger describes his plan this way:
- Detox for the first 31 days. My detox plan is unique because it’s so thorough and effective yet gentle on your body.
- Use a nutritional smart bomb that massacres cancer cells without harming your healthy cells. This smart bomb, which is completely natural, also lowers your blood pressure and kills pain with no bad side effects.
- Take the most effective immune-boosting supplement I’ve found. It kicks your immune system into high gear, unlike conventional cancer treatments such as chemo and radiation, which devastate the immune system.
- Enjoy a delicious anti-cancer eating plan and common-sense recommendations that most cancer-doctors completely overlook!
While there is no one magic bullet, no one cure for cancer, lifestyle factors such as taking supplements can make a difference. What you eat makes a powerful difference in your health, as well as your ability to defeat cancer. A mostly plant-based, whole foods diet and taking nutritional supplements can have a substantial impact. There is too much evidence on how nutritional factors influence genetic expression for anyone to ignore the power of food and supplements.
What is Alternative Medicine?
What mainstream cancer doctors consider to be “alternative medicine” today, was once medicine. Sadly, modern medicine focuses on drug therapies and fails to acknowledge the reasons that cancer has become rampant. We are not sick because we have cancer. We have cancer because we are sick. If we do not correct what created the dis-ease, we cannot cure it. Alternative doctors consider the whole person. They believe that making a person well is just as important or even more important than targeting the symptoms of cancer.
While every alternative treatment works for someone, not every treatment works for everyone. Part of this is, again, because we all have our own unique circumstances for having cancer. Be sure you work with a qualified practitioner and coach to optimize the healing of your body and your cancer.